Why it’s not a waste of money to travel
Perhaps you have been dreaming about travelling since you were young. Perhaps you have made various plans that fail one after the other. Or perhaps you have people constantly telling you that travel is a waste of money that you could have rather saved up for a deposit on a car or a house.
Just let their words go into the one ear and out of the other ear because travel is definitely not a waste of money.
There is no school that will teach you what travelling will teach you – and that is a fact.
While it’s a good thing to be wise and make the best decision, the pros of travelling will always outweigh the cons.
Here are some valuable things that one can learn through travelling and you will no doubt be able to continue the list once you’ve set out on an adventure:
1. You are a big big girl (or boy) in a small small world
It’s incredible how, once you’ve experienced a new country, you realise that the ‘world’ you’ve been living in is really, really small.
You might think you’ve been keeping up with world news, current events, the Kardashians, or whatever else, but still actually have no idea what is really going on outside the comfort zone of your own borders, TV, PC or mobile screen.
There is a big world out there and it’s sad that many people have no desire to travel whatsoever or aren’t interested in learning from other people and cultures. They are the ones missing out because there is nothing more enriching than that.
2. Same same but different
Even though cultures may differ in extreme ways, people are still people. Whether it’s catching the bus, sitting in a café or waiting for a train; watching people is probably the most interesting activity there is (not in a creepy way, of course).
It’s fascinating not only because it can be hilarious, but also because you realise that language, religion, sport, geographical borders, food and drink preferences, and habits aside, people are still people – desiring relationships, friendships, conversations, humour or even just a smile (once again, not in a creepy way).
3. Perspective
Your home country, with all its issues, isn’t the only one with problems. We often hear that we should be thankful because, you know, “there is always someone else worse off than you.”
That is actually a truth you’ll only grasp fully once you’ve travelled. We’re not saying we only see people worse off than ourselves if and when we travel, but once you travel, you realise that spreading bad PR about your own country isn’t as easy as when you’re actually in your own country.
4. Challenge accepted
Language barriers, food, public transport: around every corner you’ll find yourself a challenge. It’s up to you how you’re going to overcome it. Travelling is not for the faint-hearted – and that’s exactly why the faint hearted should do it.
It challenges you like you could never imagine – the result being a nicer but smarter, wiser but humbler, stronger but more sensitive, and all-round cooler version of you.
5. How you doin’?
There’s more often than not some truth in stereotypes, so be ready for them. The best thing you can do when encountering a stereotype is to not get annoyed, but rather let them humour you. It’s an added, and usually funny, experience.
6. Expect the unexpected
Whilst travelling, you learn that people will continually surprise you. People can actually be nice. We need to work hard to trust again and expect good things from people.
7. Get in there and soak it up!
When travelling, it’s very much up to you what you get out of the experience. Learning some basic words and phrases in the local language will enrich not only your travel experience but your life in general.